War Criminal

The International Criminal Court, aka ICC, issued an arrest warrant for Putin, for events that transpired during the current Ukraine conflict. Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova | International Criminal Court (icc-cpi.int) I will skip my personal views on the ICC, and instead highlight a … Continue reading “War Criminal”

Anything but friends

The implications of this site’s arguments regarding the nature of the Beast (aka the Anti-Christ) and the Whore of Babylon are that they are both from the Jewish faith.  The Beast has very specific plans for Israel, as this site has repeatedly detailed.  I would assume that the Beast and the Whore are also aligned … Continue reading “Anything but friends”

Recent Events in Gaza

The conflicts in the Middle East have long been a very complex mixture of elements.  However, this complex brew is now full of steroids, given that the Whore (of Babylon) and the Beast (aka the Anti-Christ) are seeking an end to Netanyahu’s administration, as they seek to put an end to the rule of Zionism … Continue reading “Recent Events in Gaza”

Another interesting article

I told myself that I was going to give the topic of global warming a rest, but then I stumbled upon this article: Global warming threatens collapse of Atlantic currents this century, new study finds | Financial Times (ft.com) It is related to another article that I recently referenced, but this one is better written … Continue reading “Another interesting article”

“It’s getting hot in here …”

Sometimes, when I read news stories about climate change, I cannot help but hear that classic Nelly song.  Climate change is a serious issue, and a real one, but of course, the mass media “narrative” (I really do hate that word) is biased to suit their own agenda. This site has long argued that a … Continue reading ““It’s getting hot in here …””


Global warming driven by man-made emissions gets the main focus from the mass media, but it is the natural, self-reinforcing global warming cycles that will be responsible for its acceleration.  There is one long term natural driver of global warming that is mostly ignored – the slowing of the global ocean currents. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/may/25/slowing-ocean-current-caused-by-melting-antarctic-ice-could-have-drastic-climate-impact-study-says This is … Continue reading “Esoteric”