There are many mysteries in Revelation, though as we move further into the End of Days, for better or worse, we will gain new insights. There is one passage that is quite ominous, and the manner in which it will become manifested is still quite mysterious to me. In Revelation 9:1-6, it is written: And … Continue reading “Still a mystery”
Agents of the Beast are still hard at work
Though the agents of the Beast have suffered electoral losses recently, including the victory of the Brexit camp and of Trump’s election campaign, that does not mean they have given up. News has shown that they continue to be very active in California. We have argued that the agents of the Beast are funding … Continue reading “Agents of the Beast are still hard at work”
90,000 in 2016 alone
We have argued that the killing of Christians in the conflict areas of the Middle East and Africa signifies that the Fifth Seal has been opened. In Revelation 6:9-11, it is written: And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word … Continue reading “90,000 in 2016 alone”
‘It’s getting hot in here, so …..’
Been listening to Nelly recently. Lyrics seemed appropriate for the topic, sort of. Not only is the Arctic heating up during the summer time, but now it is even ‘hot’ during the winter. Last week, there were Arctic temperatures that were 50 degrees Fahrenheit above its historical norms, with the daily high reaching 32 … Continue reading “‘It’s getting hot in here, so …..’”
A European Supervolcano
This site has speculated that a cataclysmic eruption of a supervolcano (see topic ‘Science and the Sixth Seal’ for a more detailed discussion) could be how God decides to manifest the opening of the Sixth Seal, as described in Revelation 6:12-14: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was … Continue reading “A European Supervolcano”
Merry Christmas
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! This past year was interesting and full of surprises. Next year holds the promise of more of the same. May God look out for you, and keep you safe and well in the new year!
Final Push
The agents of the Beast are making one last attempt to steal the Presidency. Using their propaganda about Russian hacking, they are hoping to co-opt or corrupt enough Republican electors to not vote for Trump. The Beast will rule as a tyrant. His agents are hard at work undermining the foundations of democracy. This attempt … Continue reading “Final Push”
Child Abuse Epidemic The normalization of homosexuality is driving an epidemic of homosexual child abuse. This is reflected by a large increase in cases of children needing counseling due to confusion of sexual identity. The sexual use of minors, whether by adults or older minors, causes a premature sexual awareness, and due to imprinting, … Continue reading “Potpurri”
Scorched Earth
This is not about global warming and the opening of the Seventh Seal. Rather, if the agents of the Beast are successful in nullifying the US Presidential election results, it would show that America has progressed too far down the path of the Beast to be saved. Should this be the case, then I would … Continue reading “Scorched Earth”
Are you #$%@ kidding me?
I know we are taught that swearing is not appropriate, but sometimes it seems very appropriate indeed. The agents of the Beast and the mass media are attempting to use fake news of ‘Russian hacking’ as a pretense for their attack on the US election system. They repeat their lies in hopes of winning the … Continue reading “Are you #$%@ kidding me?”