The mass media is trying to determine the US Presidential election by its 24/7 attacks on Trump’s personality. Let us pray that people remember that the election is about policy, not personality. A Clinton presidency will only further push America further down the road that leads to the Beast. We may not know for sure … Continue reading “It’s policy, not personality!”
New York Times agitating for more war
The New York Times does not believe their is enough war in the world — they are now overtly agitating for a war with Russia. One half of all Federal discretionary spending is given to the US military to blow up Muslim civilians, using million dollar missiles. A war will Russia will cost the … Continue reading “New York Times agitating for more war”
US calls for a Syrian ‘No Fly Zone’.
At a UN Security Council meeting yesterday, the US called for the imposition of a no fly zone over Syria. The US is seeking to stop the Assad regime from taking Aleppo back from rebel forces. Russia will not agree to any such initiative and will use their veto to prevent any UN resolution to … Continue reading “US calls for a Syrian ‘No Fly Zone’.”
Kim Jong-Un, Hilllary, and the Beast
The 24/7 praise of Hillary by the mass media, and their concurrent blindness to all of her illegal activity, made me think of another world leader — Kim Jong-Un,. Kim Jong-Un, the leader of North Korea, has built a cult of personality in his country. First started by his grandfather, the state controlled media generates … Continue reading “Kim Jong-Un, Hilllary, and the Beast”
Doing God’s Work
I would guess that there are many Jewish people who feel that they are ‘doing God’s work’ in their political activities. One historically important Jewish thinker argued that working for the rise of the Jewish secular moshiach is a central religious duty for all Jewish people. I believe that this is one factor for why … Continue reading “Doing God’s Work”
2 million year climate record
Paleo-climate researchers (those who study the climate records of the prehistoric periods) have been doing some interesting work. Given the onset of anthropogenic global warming, there is a search to find out what happened to the world during previous periods of severe global warming. Carolyn Snyder, director of the Climate Protection Partnerships Division of the … Continue reading “2 million year climate record”
Repression, Oppression, Persecution
We have argued that there are two fundamental conditions necessary for the persecution of Believers. The first is the existence of hostile authorities and the second is that Believers need to be a minority of the population. Different surveys have shown that Believers are shrinking as a percentage of the population, and now they are … Continue reading “Repression, Oppression, Persecution”
A New Strategy to Overturn the Second Amendment?
We have argued that the Beast will rule as a tyrant. As such, he will seek to erode and eventually destroy democratic process and Constitutional rights and protections of the people. Under the Obama administration, the Constitutional rights and liberties of US citizens have been systematically undermined. His administration has made repeated attacks on … Continue reading “A New Strategy to Overturn the Second Amendment?”
Peak Propaganda
The stakes have never been higher for the Beast and his agents. They lost the Brexit election, they lost the British Labor party struggle (the re-election of Jeremy Corbyn — I will discuss this in a different post), and they will lose the Austrian election for President (if they every allow the election to actually … Continue reading “Peak Propaganda”
I adjusted the date of the revised ‘Political Agenda of the Beast’ so that it appears at the top of the page. Given the upcoming US Presidential elections, and recent events in Europe, it seems appropriate to highlight this essay. Look for follow up discussions that will be posted in the Commentary section. The choice … Continue reading “Housekeeping”