I believe that the agents of the Beast are ‘all-in’ in their efforts to elect Clinton. They have had their way for eight years, and so they will say and do anything to remain in power. A Trump victory would prove to be a major set back for those working to bring about the rise … Continue reading “A Trump Victory — interesting possibilities”
The Shrill Voice of Desperation?
The mass media has only intensified its attacks on Trump, mainly as a desperate attempt to distract from the horrendous facts being disclosed on Wikileaks. The media attacks on Trump also distract from the fact that the Clinton campaign is 100% based on a mass media smear campaign, and is totally lacking on any real debate … Continue reading “The Shrill Voice of Desperation?”
It’s policy, not personality!
The mass media is trying to determine the US Presidential election by its 24/7 attacks on Trump’s personality. Let us pray that people remember that the election is about policy, not personality. A Clinton presidency will only further push America further down the road that leads to the Beast. We may not know for sure … Continue reading “It’s policy, not personality!”
Kim Jong-Un, Hilllary, and the Beast
The 24/7 praise of Hillary by the mass media, and their concurrent blindness to all of her illegal activity, made me think of another world leader — Kim Jong-Un,. Kim Jong-Un, the leader of North Korea, has built a cult of personality in his country. First started by his grandfather, the state controlled media generates … Continue reading “Kim Jong-Un, Hilllary, and the Beast”
A New Strategy to Overturn the Second Amendment?
We have argued that the Beast will rule as a tyrant. As such, he will seek to erode and eventually destroy democratic process and Constitutional rights and protections of the people. Under the Obama administration, the Constitutional rights and liberties of US citizens have been systematically undermined. His administration has made repeated attacks on … Continue reading “A New Strategy to Overturn the Second Amendment?”
United Nations to Governments — ‘Sovereignty is an illusion’
We have argued that the agents of the Beast are using illegal immigration to further their own political agenda. Peter Sutherland, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration, during an interview, had a message for the governments of the world: I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognise that sovereignty … Continue reading “United Nations to Governments — ‘Sovereignty is an illusion’”
EU Refugee Taxi Service
The press tell us that the Italian navy is ‘rescuing’ desperate refugees off the coast of Libya. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/17/world-will-not-face-up-to-refugee-crisis-un-obama Basically, African nationals will pile up in boats, with no engines, or otherwise in boats that have no chance of ever traveling very far from the Libyan coast. They then wait for the Italian navy to pick … Continue reading “EU Refugee Taxi Service”
Election Fraud — It is real
There are those who would dismiss the dangers of election fraud as ‘conspiracy theory’, but as the agents of the Beast have demonstrated, they will say and do anything in their quest for political power. In this year’s elections in Austria, the agents of the Beast sought to prevent Norbert Hofer from coming to power. … Continue reading “Election Fraud — It is real”
Media Propaganda, the Beast, and Political Power
I will soon start publishing a series of write ups in regards to the Beast (aka the Anti-Christ) and his coming ascension to power. In order to gain control over the nations of the West, the Beast and his agents will say and do anything to amass political power. They will need political power to … Continue reading “Media Propaganda, the Beast, and Political Power”
Brexit — Break up to make up
Despite the massive propaganda efforts by the media (though amazingly some media outlets gave support to the leave camp), the dire warnings from established politicians of the leading parties, the negative report from the IMF, and the hypocritical plea from President Obama, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. This … Continue reading “Brexit — Break up to make up”