Earthquakes, Supermoon and Supervolcanos In ‘Science and the Sixth Seal’, we highlighted research which linked significant melting of land-based ice in Greenland and Antarctica with an overall increase in global volcanic activity. At the same time, we also discussed another research piece which argued that supervolano eruptions are triggered by earthquakes which damage the ‘lid’ … Continue reading “More Quakes, ‘Fake News’, and more”
The December Supermoon
The third and final supermoon of 2016 will occur on December 16th. We have previously referred to research from the University of Tokyo which argued for a casual link between full moons and larger earthquakes. Since the time around the November supermoon until now, there have been a number of large earthquakes around the world … Continue reading “The December Supermoon”
Conversion of the Young
We have previously argued that the conversion to homosexuality builds almost insurmountable walls that stop a person from finding God. When a minor or young person is used for homosexual sex acts, it can result in ‘imprinting’, similar to how a duck connects with his mother. Just as a duckling can be made to think … Continue reading “Conversion of the Young”
Turkey is a wild card
We have previously argued that Turkey, Syria, and Iraq forms the Zone of Death. The Euphrates river begins in Turkey and flows through Syria and Iraq before emptying into the Persian Gulf. In Revelation 9:13-15, it is written: And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden … Continue reading “Turkey is a wild card”
Becoming more mainstream
We have long argued that the melting permafrost in the Arctic zone and the release of methane, has become a self-reinforcing, natural (as opposed to man-made) global warming cycle. Man-made global warming has progressed to the point where it has triggered natural global warming processes. These natural global warming cycles, once triggered, will eventually trigger … Continue reading “Becoming more mainstream”
The First Rider of the Apocalypse
The opening of the first seal, arguably the start of the End of Days, releases a rider on a white horse. This rider represents those who are preparing the way for the rise of the Beast, aka the Anti-Christ. We have argued that the Beast will pose as the long awaited secular Jewish moshiach (i.e. … Continue reading “The First Rider of the Apocalypse”
Never sleeping
The agents of the Beast are relentless in their attempts to gain total political domination — It appears they were able to conjure up some pretext to challenge the Presidential election victory of Trump, and are pushing Hillary to go to court to overturn the election result. The agents of the Beast will say … Continue reading “Never sleeping”
A Path away from the Beast
Trump has outlined a set of policies that represent a road that leads away from the Beast — and the agents of the Beast are howling in panic and anger. Trump would strengthen the national sovereignty of America. Regaining control of the southern border is the most basic use of sovereignty, as is the ability … Continue reading “A Path away from the Beast”
Though Trump won the Presidential election, some things will never change. The propaganda of the mass media fell short this election, and so now they are waging war on ‘fake’ news sites. The irony is obvious, given that the 24/7 propaganda of most mass media sites is still ongoing. At some point in the future, … Continue reading “Potpourri”
Supermoons and Earthquakes
In a recent post, ‘A passing thought’, we alluded to research by the University of Tokyo, which showed a correlation between large earthquakes and full moons. By coincidence, or not, New Zealand just suffered a major earthquake, one day prior to the coming supermoon. The probability of an earthquake triggering a major supervolcano eruption … Continue reading “Supermoons and Earthquakes”