A recent study has once again brought back focus on the volcanos that lie beneath the ice in Antarctica.

Antarctica ice melt could cause 100 hidden volcanoes to erupt | Live Science

Back in 2017, this site speculated on their potential role in bringing about prophecies in Revelation.

Antarctica and the Sixth Seal – Signs of Revelation

It is a bit of a stretch thing think that a sudden spew of volcanic eruptions in Antarctica could trigger the eruption of a super volcano, however, it would be very well supporting our general argument that self-reinforcing global warming cycles have been triggered by man-made global warming, and that those cycles will eventually bring about a sudden acceleration in global warming.  Should even one Antarctica volcano begin to erupt, it would eventually cascade into a catastrophic event for the world’s oceans and climate — and help bring about certain prophecies found in Revelation.

As said previously, this site has been all over the map in regard to the opening of the Sixth seal due to its ambiguity.  Given that it is the next major event on the timeline of Revelation, we will find out soon enough how it will be manifested.  The signs of Revelation fill the world.



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