The following is just some ruminations, so please take is as such.

Revelation and the other prophecies found in the Bible, tell us where we are heading.  The question is, what path will things take to get us there?  For example, we have argued that global warming will accelerate, driven by a catastrophic release of methane from the Arctic.  The ensuing surge in global temperature, will be a key driver for the first three trumpets which will sound after the opening of the 7th Seal (Revelation 8:7-11).

In a similar manner, we have speculated on what will lead up to the opening of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-17).  This site has made a number of arguments in connection with this event, as it is very pertinent to Believers, if we are correct in believing that the opening of the Sixth Seal is the next major event on the timeline of Revelation.  The following thoughts are based on those arguments — you will need to read up on them yourselves, as I won’t be reviewing them here.

So, the hand puppet Biden has finally been cast aside as we are nearing the November Presidential elections in the US.  The Democrats (behind which stand the Whore of Babylon) do not care whether Harris is popular or not, or that she is unable to win an actual election (as with Biden), as they have every intention to win the election through massive election fraud (which is how they won in 2020).  This site has speculated that Harris will win in November through massive election fraud, bringing about another illegitimate administration in Washington, D.C.

An interesting thought is how this will impact the war in Ukraine.  I would assume that the Russians are showing extra restraint in Ukraine, to see whether Trump is able to win the election, with the assumption that Trump has no interest in a NATO-Russia conflict.  The illegitimate Biden administration, on the other hand, may look to further escalate the Ukraine conflict before November — it would appear that they are already doing so (e.g. the delivery of US warplanes to Zelensky).  Should Harris succeed in stealing the election and becoming President, I would guess that Russia will end their restraint — and a NATO-Russia conflict will become a reality (which this site has argued from the start).

Revelation tells us that the Whore and Babylon will be destroyed before the Marriage of the Lamb (and the rapture).  This site has argued that the opening of the Sixth Seal and the destruction of the Whore and Babylon are linked.  Given this, the most likely short-term scenario would be that the Democrats will once again be successful in stealing the election in November and Harris will become President.  The Ukraine conflict will expand into a NATO-Russia conflict.  The Whore and Babylon will be destroyed (i.e. those Jews in America who are working towards the rise of the Jewish secular Moshiach and the Jewish Millenium and America), either through a domestic civil war, or some sort of nuclear attack, or an unimaginable natural catastrophe.  In the past, our scenarios have not always played out exactly as imagined, but the end game was successfully anticipated.

In the end, one way or another, the Whore will be thrown down and destroyed, and Believers will be raptured and celebrate the Marriage of the Lamb in heaven.  Believers just need to remain strong in our faith as we navigate the events of the End of Days.  The signs of Revelation fill the world.

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