The ‘news’ is so filled with propaganda and outright lies that it becomes painful to read, but such is the media that is controlled by the Whore and the Beast.  However, once one understands the political and social agenda behind the propaganda, then it becomes more of an exercise of swatting away flies, in order to find out what is actually going on.

It is summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, so there is news of massive fires in the boreal forests of Russia and Canada.  This site has argued that this is a precursor to Revelation 8:7:

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

There are some indications that we could be upon the verge of an acceleration of the pace of global warming.  Given the nature of the data, it is still early to make such a call, however, this site has argued that as the natural global warming self-reinforcing cycles kick in, it will bring about the manifestation of the first three trumpets of the Seventh Seal.  Fortunately for Believers, we should have already been raptured and in Heaven, celebrating the Marriage of the Lamb when that does occur.

The hand puppet Biden has finally been pushed aside.  One might feel sympathy for a senior citizen being so abused, except that is tragic more than anything.  This site has argued that when the Whore rigged the last Presidential election, which brought about the illegitimate Biden administration, the prophecy found in Revelation 18:2 was manifested:

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

The Whore of Babylon is the power behind the illegitimate Biden administration.  Just as the Whore was able to come to power through massive voter fraud in the last Presidential election, they will do so again in the Presidential election this November – how much easier it will be to achieve now that the Whore is in control of the Executive Branch and its federal bureaucracy.  This site has speculated that the Whore will only be removed from power by a force of arms via a domestic rebellion or a foreign nuclear strike — or God could directly intervene through a catastrophic natural disaster.  Either way, this is just another way of saying that the destruction of the Whore will be linked to the opening of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-17) and the fall of Babylon (Revelation 18:8).

On a slightly lighter side, a thought suddenly came to me as I was monitoring the news sites – “Resistance is futile”.  Jean Luc Picard, in his adventures on Star Trek, had many encounters with the Borg.  The Whore of Babylon is like the Borg Queen, seeking to absorb nations and cultures and human individuals into her ‘collective’.  Those who are absorbed lose their nationality, their historical culture, their gender, their right to speak and think and act for themselves – everything will be dictated to them by the Borg queen and her minions.  The Whore is seeking to bring about the rise of the secular Jewish moschiach and the Jewish millennium, but in the end, the Whore will be destroyed, and the Beast will rise and lay claim to the title of Moshiach.  You definitely do not want to miss out on the Marriage of the Lamb, because if you do not get your invitation, you will have to suffer through the rule of the Beast.

The world is filled with the signs of Revelation.


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