We have argued that a central political goal of the coming Beat is the formation of a superstate, by the political merger of current European Union member states. We have further postulated that as the Beast will pose a the long awaited Jewish secular messiah, he will attempt to also fold America and Israel into the mix as well. Looking at America today, one would think that such a merger is impossible, but the America of tomorrow is already looking very different.
The loss of control of America’s borders, as exemplified by massive illegal immigration and massive drug smuggling, is just the first step towards weakening America’s sovereignty and thus, its resistance to a political merger with the coming European superstate. The next step will be to give the 11 million plus illegal immigrants the right to vote in US elections. We can already see the initial moves towards this political goal:
3. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/16/us-usa-new-york-votingrights-idUSKBN0ER2KU20140616
Many elections can be quite close, so it is easy to see how 11 million voters represent a massive swing vote. It is much easier to get those who are not born in America to support the surrendering of sovereignty than it is for those who strongly identify with being American.
Looking at the prophecies of Revelation, we see that America is not fated to fall under the direct dominion of the Beast. However, if Believers do not fight against the political and cultural agenda of the children of the Beast, then America can easily fall.