Some of the prophecies in Revelations are framed in such massive scale, it is understandable that even some so-called Christians argue that the Bible is pure symbolism or some giant allegory. A recent article published by the scientific publication, National Geoscience, (, has actually served to make one prophecy of Revelation all too real.
The article argues that the super volcano under Yellowstone National Park (and others like it around the world) has a much larger probability of erupting with little to no signaling than previously thought — and that the eruption could be on such an enormous scale that it could reduce the average temperature of the Earth by 10 degrees centigrade. Revelation has one prophecy that says (Revelation 6:12-17):
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
This prophecy does not reference a super volcano eruption directly, but we can see the potential aftermath of such an eruption — massive earthquakes, a darkening of the sky due to the massive ash plume, and even that people will move to underground shelters in a bid to escape the massive amount of ash that will fall around the world.
Previous to this research, I was hard pressed to imagine a geological event that could fufilll this prophecy, but now, thanks to science, we can clearly see that such an event is more possible than anyone could have previously imagined.
Science is our friend and through scientific evidence (like global warming and climate change), we can see the signs of the coming of the prophecies of Revelation.