A recent study has once again brought back focus on the volcanos that lie beneath the ice in Antarctica. Antarctica ice melt could cause 100 hidden volcanoes to erupt | Live Science Back in 2017, this site speculated on their potential role in bringing about prophecies in Revelation. Antarctica and the Sixth Seal – Signs … Continue reading “Follow up”
It’s awfully quiet
Ki no sei….(I have been watching a lot of anime lately) …but it seems awfully quiet.
Congratulations to President-elect Trump and all of his supporters. They worked hard to overcome the fraudulent election tactics of the Whore. All of the Believers who voted for Trump have given America a chance of a future free from the Whore’s domination. A second term of a Trump Presidency does throw a spanner into this … Continue reading “Congratulations!!”
Bucking Bronc
Revelation 17:3 says, So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The consensus interpretation is the Whore of Babylon is sitting upon the Beast. Revelation also tells us that the … Continue reading “Bucking Bronc”
Revelation 6:5-6 says, And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, … Continue reading “Incongruent”
I have often expressed my distain for “news services”, given the overwhelming amount of propaganda and outright lies being propagated. However, you would think that they would at least get global warming right. ‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating | Climate crisis | The Guardian I … Continue reading “Whinge”
Thinking Out Loud
The following is just some ruminations, so please take is as such. Revelation and the other prophecies found in the Bible, tell us where we are heading. The question is, what path will things take to get us there? For example, we have argued that global warming will accelerate, driven by a catastrophic release of … Continue reading “Thinking Out Loud”
Touching Bases
The ‘news’ is so filled with propaganda and outright lies that it becomes painful to read, but such is the media that is controlled by the Whore and the Beast. However, once one understands the political and social agenda behind the propaganda, then it becomes more of an exercise of swatting away flies, in order … Continue reading “Touching Bases”
Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken
This site has argued that the illegitimate Biden administration instigated the conflict in Ukraine, through a series of escalating military provocations in Ukraine and the Black Sea. This pattern of behavior continues, but this time, the ongoing military escalation is pushing Russia into a conflict with NATO. We have long argued that the Whore, the … Continue reading “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken”
This site has previously highlighted the schism within the international Jewish community, regarding the future of the nation-state of Israel. On one side are the Zionists, those Jews who believe Israel should be a nation of Jews, and for the Jews (exclusively). On the other side are the ‘globalists’, those Jews who are opposed to … Continue reading “Schisms”