The Sixth Seal …..and Greenland

We have previously highlighted scientific research which showed a link between periods of severe polar ice melt (e.g. after the Ice Age) and a significant increase in global volcanic activity.  We have speculated that the current melting of polar ice due to global warming could result in the eruption of a supervolcano, which could serve … Continue reading “The Sixth Seal …..and Greenland”

Never say never…but it will take an act of God

Under the Obama administration, the US has only worsened the chaos that is gripping much of the Middle East and also large parts of Africa.  The income and wealth divide in America is becoming more like the feudal period, where only a handful of ‘nobility’ controlled most of the wealth in the nation.  Similarly, the … Continue reading “Never say never…but it will take an act of God”

United Nations to Governments — ‘Sovereignty is an illusion’

We have argued that the agents of the Beast are using illegal immigration to further their own political agenda. Peter Sutherland, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration, during an interview, had a message for the governments of the world: I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognise that sovereignty … Continue reading “United Nations to Governments — ‘Sovereignty is an illusion’”

EU Refugee Taxi Service

The press tell us that the Italian navy is ‘rescuing’ desperate refugees off the coast of Libya. Basically, African nationals will pile up in boats, with no engines, or otherwise in boats that have no chance of ever traveling very far from the Libyan coast.  They then wait for the Italian navy to pick … Continue reading “EU Refugee Taxi Service”

A Farewell to Ice

Professor Peter Wadhams has recently published a book entitled ‘A Farewell to Ice’, where he lays out his arguments regarding the impacts of man-made global warming in the Arctic region. Peter Wadhams has been passionate in his arguments that man-made global warming has triggered a self-reinforcing cycle of global warming in the Arctic region. … Continue reading “A Farewell to Ice”

Major News Media has Zero Credibility

I would argue that aside from news reports on traffic accidents, the weather, and local crime, the major news outlets have absolutely zero credibility.  So much of the ‘news’ serves as spin for the agenda of those working for the rise of the secular Jewish moshiach, aka Anti-Christ. One ‘news’ article from the BBC stood … Continue reading “Major News Media has Zero Credibility”

Election Fraud — It is real

There are those who would dismiss the dangers of election fraud as ‘conspiracy theory’, but as the agents of the Beast have demonstrated, they will say and do anything in their quest for political power.  In this year’s elections in Austria, the agents of the Beast sought to prevent Norbert Hofer from coming to power. … Continue reading “Election Fraud — It is real”

One step closer to global war

We have argued that the conflicts in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq will continue until it morphs into a global conflict, based on Revelation 9:13-15: And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,  Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, … Continue reading “One step closer to global war”

Euphrates Shield

The recent Turkish tank invasion of Syria has an interesting name — Euphrates Shield.  Given that there are four pissed off fallen angels still chained up in the Euphrates River, a Turkish tank invasion will not do anything to shield them when those angels are unleashed. This invasion of Syria marks a dramatic increase … Continue reading “Euphrates Shield”