Revelation says that when the fourth seal is opened, Death and Hades will be released upon the world, and they will have authority over a quarter of the world. We have been searching for some kind of metric, whereby we can measure whether a quarter of the world has been overcome by war, thereby confirming whether those two riders have been truly set loose. The United Nations may have answered this question –
The UN says that now, an unprecedented number of refugees have been created by the conflicts that currently afflict the world — 60 million people have now been displaced by conflict. By looking at the map that accompanies this article, it would seem that roughly a quarter of the world has been caught up in conflicts resulting in the creation of refugees. We would argue that this is confirmation that the fourth seal has been opened, and now Death and Hades are among us. I would argue now that a quarter of the world has been engulfed in conflict, next comes famine and pestilence — those two are just getting started.