I reworked the Topic piece “Babylon” and renamed it “America and End of Day Prophecy”. Hopefully it represents an improvement. I also tweaked the Commentary post, “America as Babylon”. I tried to provide more detail to the argument.
My recent writing is a bit on the dark side, when I argue that America is the embodiment of “Babylon”. However, on the positive side, I highlight the coming of the Marriage of the Lamb! As Believers, God tells us that in following His commandments, we can find joy. Do not let the coming prophecies weigh on your mind, but rather focus on following Christ’s commandments — though some preparations for what is to come wouldn’t hurt! Hopefully I am correct in arguing that God will call us up in His Rapture so that we can be in the Marriage of the Lamb, prior to the opening of the Seventh Seal (we definitely do not want to be around then).
(I also made another small tweak to “America and End-of-Day Prophecy” on August 4th.)