I have often expressed my distain for “news services”, given the overwhelming amount of propaganda and outright lies being propagated.  However, you would think that they would at least get global warming right.

‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating | Climate crisis | The Guardian

I cannot imagine that any proper ‘climate scientist’ would be baffled by the acceleration of the pace of global warming.  Of course, if you make the wrong assumptions about the nature of global warming, then I guess you might be baffled.  The assumption I am referring to is:

This is not to doubt the underlying science of global heating, which more than 99.9% of climatologists agree is caused by human burning of gas, oil, coal and forests.

If one were to think that all global warming is ‘anthropogenic’ (a fancy way of saying man-made), then you would assume a fairly linear rise of global warming over time.  However, if you were to correctly recognize that man-made global warming via emissions of global warming gases from economic activity has triggered natural, self-reinforcing global warming cycles, then you would not be surprised that global warming is accelerating (that was a long sentence…).

This site has long argued that man-made global warming (the release of carbon via economic activity) triggered natural, self-reinforcing global warming cycles.  For example, as global warming worsened, the Arctic has experienced a much greater rise in temperature than the global average.  This in turn has resulted in the release of methane from the melting permafrost — both on land and under the water (in both lakes and the ocean).  This natural release of methane further contributes to global warming.  The warmer the Arctic becomes, the more methane is released, creating a self-reinforcing cycle.  At some point, when the Artic becomes sufficiently warm, there will be a catastrophic release of methane that will cause world temperatures to spike — which will help to bring about certain prophecies in Revelation.  This is just one (though a major one) of the natural, self-reinforcing global warming cycles triggered by man-made global warming.  A fact that the sources for the above Guardian article totally ignores.

As natural, self-reinforcing global warming cycles continue to strengthen, global warming will accelerate.  It is very possible that we are at the inflection point where this is occurring.  Given our argument that such an acceleration will eventually bring about certain manifestations of the opening of the Seventh Seal (Revelation 8:1-11), an acceleration in the pace of global warming serves as another sign of the coming prophecies of Revelation.

The world is filled with the signs of Revelation.

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