America’s bitch — a new measuring stick

This site has been monitoring the summer time sea-ice extent in the Arctic as a measuring stick for the opening of the Seventh Seal — once the Arctic starts to experience “ice free” summers (as defined by less than 2 million square kilometer of summer time sea-ice coverage), then we can expect that the opening … Continue reading “America’s bitch — a new measuring stick”

Keep banging on this

The Republicans who think they will win back control of Congress in the upcoming elections in November are in denial.  No matter how many voters vote Republican, the Democrats will expand their control of Congress. Pres. Biden warns private sector… Shore up cyber defensives as attacks are coming | Forexlive The Democrats will once again … Continue reading “Keep banging on this”


“Don’t underestimate the other guy’s greed.”, Frank Lopez in Scarface. The site has been arguing that one of the Whore’s (aka the illegitimate Biden administration) motivation to instigate a war in Ukraine is to strengthen its dominate position over the Beast (aka the European Union).  Previously, we had also argued that the Whore took control … Continue reading “Scarface”