Some implications of a Trump victory

The voters in America chose to fight for the sovereignty of its nation, as well as to strengthen its democracy, by rejecting Hillary at the poll booth.  The voters saw through the blatant propaganda of the mass media (at least half of them anyway) and used their own judgement to vote.  Those working for the … Continue reading “Some implications of a Trump victory”

Rigged Polls and Election Fraud

When the mass media publishes poll numbers rigged to favor Clinton, it can serve a number of purposes.  However, the main purpose relates to election fraud.  If the polls were honestly conducted, and it showed that Trump was ahead by 10%, a Clinton victory at the polls would draw intense scrutiny.  If the world is … Continue reading “Rigged Polls and Election Fraud”

Calling of the Shepard

In a recent post, ‘A New Strategy to Overturn the Second Amendment?’, we highlighted how the Department of Homeland Security ‘mistakenly’ gave full US citizenship to over 800 Muslims who were scheduled to be deported due to terrorism fears.   Soon after this ‘mistake’, there was a rapid succession of Muslim terrorist mass shootings in … Continue reading “Calling of the Shepard”

A passing thought

As the US elections draws near, America is truly at an important crossroads.  There cannot be a more distinct choice — Clinton or Trump.  We will know soon enough.  On a side note, a passing thought came to mind when I read about the coming ‘supermoons’. Due to quirks in the moon’s orbit around … Continue reading “A passing thought”

A Trump Victory — interesting possibilities

I believe that the agents of the Beast are ‘all-in’ in their efforts to elect Clinton.  They have had their way for eight years, and so they will say and do anything to remain in power.  A Trump victory would prove to be a major set back for those working to bring about the rise … Continue reading “A Trump Victory — interesting possibilities”

The Shrill Voice of Desperation?

The mass media has only intensified its attacks on Trump, mainly as a desperate attempt to distract from the horrendous facts being disclosed on Wikileaks.  The media attacks on Trump also distract from the fact that the Clinton campaign is 100% based on a mass media smear campaign, and is totally lacking on any real debate … Continue reading “The Shrill Voice of Desperation?”