Though I consider this site a religious news commentary site, it would be easy to construe its contents as ‘alt-right’, given its implications. Basically, anything critical of the agenda of the Beast can be construed as ‘alt-right’. As there are frequent headlines about Google and Facebook suppressing conservative content, I do fret that at some point of time, my site will become invisible on the search engines.
Yahoo’s search engine is a case in point. Currently, if you search ‘signs of revelation’, my site does not appear at all. Though curiously enough, a few months ago, it was listed at the top of the search (for a brief moment it seems). This site was invisible on the Google search engine at first, but now it generally appears between the 5th and 7th search page, in a fairly stable manner (though it should be on the first or second page by my reckoning).
The contents of this site may be a bit controversial but if you find the arguments thought provoking, please tell your good friends to check us out (if you tell your casual acquaintances, they may judge you). Perhaps later this year I will do some more advertising on Google, though I am a bit unsure about the accuracy of their charge-by-click methodology.
Remember me in your prayers. Everyone’s prayers saved my life once — I am always in need of His guidance and strength.