Revelation is full of mystery, but as we progress further into the End of Days, I believe that we are better able to see through the mist. New insight on one prophecy can bring new understanding on other prophecies.
We have recently started to argue that the opening of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-17) is connected to the destruction of Babylon (Revelation chapter 18) — a detailed argument can be found in the Topics write up, entitled “Babylon”. If our argument, found in “Babylon”, is correct, that the opening of the Sixth Seal with bring about a cataclysmic natural event in America, then this has tremendous implications for other prophecies as well.
After the Sixth Seal is opened, which unleashes a cataclysmic natural event in America (aka Babylon), an image of a heavenly celebration is seen, found in Revelation 7:9-12,
This is surly a scene from the Marriage of the Lamb! In Revelation chapter 18, we are told that following the destruction of Babylon, the Marriage of the Lamb will happen, where Believers and Christ are to be wed. I am not totally sure the implications of that, but it will be a joyous occasion in heaven! Revelation 19:6-9 says,
If the opening of the Sixth Seal results in the destruction of Babylon, then soon afterwards (at least before the Seventh Seal is opened) God will call up His Believers to Him in the Rapture, as they will be invited to the Marriage of the Lamb.
This site has been speculating that a cataclysmic eruption of a supervolcano will occur at the opening of the Sixth Seal, and that as 3 supervolcanos are located in America — the Yosemite Caldera being the most famous — there is a good chance that this event will take place in America. This site has similarly speculated that the Whore of Babylon is the power behind the illegitimate Biden Administration. Should we be correct in this speculation, the Whore of Babylon will fall, along with America — and the Beast will turn on the Whore and destroy her (Revelation 17:16).
It feels that a number of pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. If the scenario laid out here is correct, then the good news is that God will rapture His Believers and we will all be invited to the Marriage of the Lamb. The bad news is that we must first endure the opening of the Sixth Seal — but at least we will not have to endure the opening of the Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets that follow!
(This is meant to replace “Thinking Out Loud About the Rapture”, which I have deleted.)