I have started to contact web designers to finally redo this site. I am not having much luck so far (nobody seems interested in the job so far) — perhaps if you were to remember this site in your prayers, we could find good people to work with.
I would argue that the children of the Beast have establish a strong hold around the neck of the major media outlets — which they guard jealously. The move by Polish government to take control over their local media was met by a loud chorus of complaint by the media — they fear having their spin and ‘narrative’ (an innocuous word for propaganda) challenged.
It is always good to have a vision, a goal that is big and difficult to obtain. For this site, our vision could be to create a credible alternative voice to the major media. Such a voice would seek to pierce through the mind numbing wordsmithing that we are bombarded with and try to shed a truer light of reality by which to view the events of the day. A clear view of our world today would make it easier to see the signs of Revelation which surround us. We will revisit this topic.