Catalan independence movement continues…a model for Texas?

The president of Catalonia has called for snap elections after Madrid rejected his demands for greater autonomy for the region.  Earlier in the month, as much as 1.5 million Catalans gathered in their regional capital of Barcelona to demand independence for the region.  The fiscal crisis in Spain and the economic downturn that followed has … Continue reading “Catalan independence movement continues…a model for Texas?”

The mark of the Beast coming to you first at your local airport

On CNN, there was a short news story about the possible introduction of finger print and retinal scans at US airports.  They interviewed someone who argued that the implementation of finger print and retinal scans at airports would be helpful in processing people faster at security gates, and help flag risky types for more attention. … Continue reading “The mark of the Beast coming to you first at your local airport”

Catalonia seeks independence from Spain

An under-reported news story was that yesterday, 1.5 million people gathered in Barcelona to demonstrate for the independence of Catalonia from Spain.  Catalonia is a region of Spain, and Barcelona is its main city and capital.  The region also has its own language and a strong sense of identity. This is an example of what … Continue reading “Catalonia seeks independence from Spain”

Technology for a cashless society

I was looking around the Web to follow up on the story about the new digital identification system in India — it uses retinal scans and finger prints to create a unique I.D. signature on their system.  It was reported to be a private company that is responsible for creating and implementing that system.  When … Continue reading “Technology for a cashless society”

The Beast as a False Jewish Messiah

I will start with the disclaimer that he material I use for discussing the Jewish Messiah is gleamed from Internet sites about Judaism. Readers are all encouraged to do their own research on the issues raised on the site. Like any ethnicity or nation or people, Jewish society is quite diverse. However, for sake a … Continue reading “The Beast as a False Jewish Messiah”

False Messiah

I believe we need to remember our Jewish brethren in our prayers.  I am no expert in Judaism, nor current Jewish religious teachings, however I have come to the realization that the Anti-Christ will drape himself with the mantle of the Returning Messiah for the Jewish community.  The Beast will look to fulfill prophesies of what the … Continue reading “False Messiah”

Global Warming is a long term phenomenon

We have talked off and on about global warming and weather change.  There was a recent article in the International Herald Tribune that was discussing the US heat wave and drought in a more global perspective.  While the heat and lack of rain has been devastating the corn and soybean crop in the US, the article … Continue reading “Global Warming is a long term phenomenon”

US Heat Wave

It is easy to talk about weather change in the summer when a massive heat wave has most of the country in its grip.  However, weather change has been and will be a reoccurring theme for our writing.  Mentioned in an earlier entry, there was an interesting research piece that showed the recent (last 20 years) rises … Continue reading “US Heat Wave”

Supreme Court rules on Obamacare

The US Supreme Court has ruled that Obamacare is constitutional.  The majority opinion ruled that while the individual mandate clause forcing individuals to buy private insurance was unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, it was constitutional as a tax.  I will not say anything further except to say that you should read the dissenting opinion for … Continue reading “Supreme Court rules on Obamacare”

America and the Beast

When I first started this website, it had never entered my mind that America was at risk of falling under the power of the Beast. America was not part of the European Union and did not use the euro as its currency. However, it gradually dawned on me that there was not only a risk … Continue reading “America and the Beast”