More truth than Biden can comprehend

The illegitimate US President, aka Biden, has stated that the next few years will determine the fate of the End-of-Times world (well, he used different words to say the same thing): Next few years will determine future world order Biden ( There is actually much truth to what he says, though with a very different … Continue reading “More truth than Biden can comprehend”

Old news — if you are a long time reader of this site

The Guardian is mostly filled with propaganda, but it is good for news on global warming (which is real). Global heating is accelerating, warns scientist who sounded climate alarm in the 80s | Climate crisis | The Guardian Of course, I am not alone in taking the position that global warming will accelerate faster than … Continue reading “Old news — if you are a long time reader of this site”

War Criminal

The International Criminal Court, aka ICC, issued an arrest warrant for Putin, for events that transpired during the current Ukraine conflict. Situation in Ukraine: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova | International Criminal Court ( I will skip my personal views on the ICC, and instead highlight a … Continue reading “War Criminal”

Anything but friends

The implications of this site’s arguments regarding the nature of the Beast (aka the Anti-Christ) and the Whore of Babylon are that they are both from the Jewish faith.  The Beast has very specific plans for Israel, as this site has repeatedly detailed.  I would assume that the Beast and the Whore are also aligned … Continue reading “Anything but friends”

Recent Events in Gaza

The conflicts in the Middle East have long been a very complex mixture of elements.  However, this complex brew is now full of steroids, given that the Whore (of Babylon) and the Beast (aka the Anti-Christ) are seeking an end to Netanyahu’s administration, as they seek to put an end to the rule of Zionism … Continue reading “Recent Events in Gaza”

Another interesting article

I told myself that I was going to give the topic of global warming a rest, but then I stumbled upon this article: Global warming threatens collapse of Atlantic currents this century, new study finds | Financial Times ( It is related to another article that I recently referenced, but this one is better written … Continue reading “Another interesting article”

“It’s getting hot in here …”

Sometimes, when I read news stories about climate change, I cannot help but hear that classic Nelly song.  Climate change is a serious issue, and a real one, but of course, the mass media “narrative” (I really do hate that word) is biased to suit their own agenda. This site has long argued that a … Continue reading ““It’s getting hot in here …””