And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation warns that Believers should leave Babylon when it falls to the Whore. If our argument is correct, in that the Whore of Babylon is … Continue reading “Revelation 18:4”
Thinking Out Loud
The Whore did not need to carry out any extreme false flag event to rig elections this week in the US — the Whore merely used the same tactics that enabled her to steal the last Presidential election. The illegitimacy of the federal government has only increased. Our arguments remain the same about where we … Continue reading “Thinking Out Loud”
Amicus meus, inimicus inimici me
No, that is not a Latin phrase used in exorcisms…but rather, it means “my friend, the enemy of my enemy” or more commonly quoted as “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. As I am quoting ancient Latin, I might as well go all in and quote Shakespeare as well — “Misery acquaints a … Continue reading “Amicus meus, inimicus inimici me”
Escalating Provocations
This site has speculated that the Whore (aka illegitimate Biden administration) will further escalate its provocations against Russia going into the US November mid-term elections. Our reasoning is that the Whore has two aims in its attempt to escalate the Ukraine conflict into a NATO-Russia conflict. The first aim is to weaken the Beast (aka … Continue reading “Escalating Provocations”
Supporting evidence
I stumbled upon a site that claims to have an internal document from the Rand corporation. Shocking document: How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe – Nya Dagbladet I have no clue as to the credibility of this Swedish site, but I am linking the article anyway, as it pretty much … Continue reading “Supporting evidence”
Follow Up on Inflation
I just wanted to post this link, in support of previously made arguments: Inflation Now Causing Hardship for Majority in U.S. ( The mass media will just try to convince you that if you are suffering more than the mass media is saying you are, then you are just a loser — that is the … Continue reading “Follow Up on Inflation”
Drivers of Demand
This post will not be so much about prophecy, so you are forewarned. Economics is a very dry science — well, its a social science, so technically, it can still be called a science. This site has casually touched on the principles of economics as we have argued that the opening of the Third Seal … Continue reading “Drivers of Demand”
Over the top rhetoric
The over-the-top rhetoric coming from the Whore — through the Biden hand-puppet — can be called many things (all negative). I am belatedly reviewing his actual MAGA-Republicans-are-evil speech and it supports our argument relating to the Nazi Paradigm. Joe Biden Trashes ‘MAGA Agenda’ as ‘Extremism that Threatens Very Foundations of Our Republic’ ( This type … Continue reading “Over the top rhetoric”
The Nazi Paradigm revisited
More than once, we have pointed to similarities between what is happening now and compared it to what happened during the rise of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party of Germany – aka the Nazis. We argued that it appears that the Beast (now it appears to be the Whore) is using the Nazi paradigm … Continue reading “The Nazi Paradigm revisited”
Living in an Improbable World
As one who believes in the word of God, and in a very literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation, I live in the most improbable of worlds. My understanding of the current world would be derided as “conspiracy theories” (though the use of the phrase merely seeks to avoid debate and discussion of the … Continue reading “Living in an Improbable World”