Free Trade Agreement between the US and EU

On Bloomberg News (, as well as in a recent Economist, it is reported that the US and EU are preparing to formally enter into negotiations to create a free trade agreement.  America has made similar agreements with other nations — but should negotiations be successful, the implications are far reaching. Unlike past deals, the European … Continue reading “Free Trade Agreement between the US and EU”

England, Be Brave!

The Cameron administration of the United Kingdom is considering on whether to hold a referendum in the UK on whether it should stay in the European Union, letting the people make the final decision.  The Obama administration has come out against it — which is not surprising considering its track record ( Let us pray … Continue reading “England, Be Brave!”

Point of No Return

As the saying goes, its never over until its over.  We must never give up on America and Believers must keep working to keep the country safe from the Beast and his minions.  However, we are approaching a possible point of no return. The US Supreme court is perhaps the last defense against the Beast … Continue reading “Point of No Return”

England, Be Brave — continued

More reporting on the movement to leave the EU in England (  For Believers, there may not be a single political issue that has more ramifications than the decision to join or leave the European Union.  The importance of this issue is not based on economics, nor is it based on nationalism.  This issue is … Continue reading “England, Be Brave — continued”

The Anti-Christ — a false Jewish Messiah?

The study of eschatology in the Christian and Jewish religions is quite interesting. Of course, there are very fundamental differences, but for a lack of better word, they rhyme. It is easy to conclude that there are very divergent views on most topics within the various branches of Jewish religious thought — Orthodox, Reformed, Hasidic. … Continue reading “The Anti-Christ — a false Jewish Messiah?”

A Countdown Clock for the Returning Christ

God may have given us a clock to watch that will let us know when the return of Christ draws near. Recent scientific research argues that a 2 degree centigrade rise in global average temperature will result in cataclysmic environmental damage. It was previously thought that degree of temperature rise was the upper limit of … Continue reading “A Countdown Clock for the Returning Christ”

The US Drought will continue in 2013?

I have been watching a site that has a US drought monitor on it (  It shows that drought conditions in important US agricultural areas continue.  Experts are predicting that this drought will continue in 2013.  This will ensure that global grain prices will remain high and food inflation will affect everyone. No one wants … Continue reading “The US Drought will continue in 2013?”

A worker ID card for all Americans

It was reported in the Wall Street Journal that certain Senators are considering ‘immigration reform’.  One proposal being considered is to require that all US workers will need to have a workers identification card, to prove that they are legally qualified to work in the US.  There is also talk to make the card ‘bio-metric’, … Continue reading “A worker ID card for all Americans”

Grillo and his 5 Star Movement

In the recent Italian parliamentary elections, Grillo and his 5 Star Movement won a tremendous victory. Despite it being their first time to participate in a national parliamentary election, Grillo’s party won the most number of total votes. The 5 Star Movement can serve as an inspiration and as a model for people in other … Continue reading “Grillo and his 5 Star Movement”