We have been arguing that America is steadly moving down a path that will result in its falling under the dominion of the Beast when he makes his ascension to his final place of power. Similarly we have held out hope that God will still give Believers a chance to save America and make it … Continue reading “One final chance to win freedom from the Beast?”
A breakup of the current EU?
In the past we have argued that a breakup of the EU as it is currently structured is consistent with the prophecies of Revelation. Consensus interpretation of the relevant scriptures is that the Beast will come to lead a 10 nation confederation, and the current EU has 28 member nations. We concede that there is … Continue reading “A breakup of the current EU?”
Preparations continue for the coming of the Tyrant
With the growing use of drones in America for surveillance and reports of a new program to enable tracking of all civilian vehicles on the roadways, we now receive word that the Obama administration (remember it is not just Obama, but the people behind him) is laying the way for the use of the US military against … Continue reading “Preparations continue for the coming of the Tyrant”
Bits and Pieces
Nationwide Identification Systems — necessary infrastructure for the Mark We have made note of the efforts of Washington DC to establish a nationwide identification system, by embedding the needed legislation within the details of the immigration reform bill. Now we have word that the FBI is also making a new nationwide identification system that will … Continue reading “Bits and Pieces”
I cannot help but have a viscerally positive response to the thought of Scotland and Catalonia winning their independence. I wish there was a strong independence movement for the state of Texas. There is another form of independence movement going on in Europe — the fight to win freedom from the European Union. We have … Continue reading “Independence”
The Ongoing Fight For Independence — Some good news
Though the pro-independence voters in Scotland lost the referendum vote, the fight for independence continues on other fronts in Europe. The independence movement in Catalonia advances with the Catalonian President setting the date for their independence referendum vote. The Prime Minister of Spain has denounced that move as unconstitutional and illegal, but it would appear … Continue reading “The Ongoing Fight For Independence — Some good news”
What would the Anti-Christ do if he were President today?
In Revelation 6:2, Jesus opens the first seal and unleashes a rider on a white horse. Given the ambiguous description of the rider, the interpretation of this passage has been debated on for hundreds of years. The consensus evangelical interpretation is that the white horseman represents the Anti-Christ and those preparing for his rise. I … Continue reading “What would the Anti-Christ do if he were President today?”
Bites and Pieces
Grillo is still the man to watch in Italy http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11159649/The-great-Lira-revolt-has-begun-in-Italy.html Things in Italy starting to get interesting again. Grillo and his 5 Star Movement are seeking to regain their momentum by launching a petition for Italy to leave the EU. It is somewhat ironic that the 5 Star Movement is demanding economic policies that the … Continue reading “Bites and Pieces”
America and the coming superstate
We have argued that a central political goal of the coming Beat is the formation of a superstate, by the political merger of current European Union member states. We have further postulated that as the Beast will pose a the long awaited Jewish secular messiah, he will attempt to also fold America and Israel into … Continue reading “America and the coming superstate”
Are we there yet?
I haven’t watched Bart Simpson for awhile now (yes, at one point, I did sort of watch that show regularly), but one scene that sticks in my head is where Bart and his sister are nagging Homer with ‘Are we there yet?’. In some ways, that is how I feel when watching events in the … Continue reading “Are we there yet?”