Middle Earth Not only are the glaciers of the world of melting — Iceland, Switzerland, Nepal — but also the glaciers of Middle Earth. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11491426 I went to the mountains of New Zealand’s south island, which were so beautifully highlighted in many scenes from the Lord of the Rings. They were truly beautiful. I make … Continue reading “Bits and Pieces”
The real driver behind ‘immigration reform’
We have argued that the children of the Beast are seeking to use illegal immigration/unrestricted migrant migration as a means to facilitate the break down of sovereign nations, with the long term goal of the creation of a mega-state, from which the Anti-Christ will come to power over (a very brief summation of many different posts). … Continue reading “The real driver behind ‘immigration reform’”
Attack on the Nation-State
We have argued that there is a strong similarity between the prophecies of Revelation as they relate to the Beast (aka the Anti-Christ) and Jewish beliefs as they relate to their long awaited secular messiah (aka moschiach). Revelation tells us the Beast will come to power over a 10 nation confederation, a merged mega-state, and … Continue reading “Attack on the Nation-State”
The return of the Jewish people to Israel (most of them anyway)
We have argued that the Anti-Christ will put on the guise of the long awaited Jewish moschiach, aka messiah. The messiah, in mainstream Jewish thought, is a secular ruler, who will rule over Jew and Gentile, on a global scale. One of the most defining actions of the moschiach will his actions that result in … Continue reading “The return of the Jewish people to Israel (most of them anyway)”
Bits and Pieces
European Science Foundation The European Science Foundation has recently published a report which claims that the world is entering a period of heightened risk of a cataclysmic supervolcano eruption. — http://www.inquisitr.com/2686574/high-risk-of-supervolcano-eruption-that-could-devastate-earth-kill-millions-in-next-80-years-experts-warn/ This is quite fortuitous timing, as this site has been arguing that such an eruption will accompany the opening of the sixth seal, as … Continue reading “Bits and Pieces”
The coming European mega-state
This site has argued from day one that in order for the creation of an European mega-state to happen, the current European Union would need to first break apart. Once that occurred, those EU members who wished to move ahead with full political integration would be then free to do so. George Soros, a c.o.b. … Continue reading “The coming European mega-state”
The Rule of Money
As Presidential election time approaches once again in the United States, it is a good time to revisit the ongoing erosion of democracy. This topic is relevant to this site as the coming Beast (aka anti-Christ) will rule his dominion as a tyrant, overthrowing any remaining vestiges of democratic process and form. The influence of … Continue reading “The Rule of Money”
Not part of Revelation, but…
Perhaps the only thing I have learned about the dynamics of foreign policy is, that despite any rhetoric that is uttered by the media or the politicians, the driver of foreign policy is the quest for domestic power. In America, the pro-Israel groups more or less control the major media, and donate tons of money … Continue reading “Not part of Revelation, but…”
Speaking of the devil
The timing is so perfect. My last entry talked about how we have not seen the last of legislative attempts to create a national identification data base. Just now I came across a Bloomberg opinion piece that again is arguing for the need of such a identification system —http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-03-12/the-only-way-to-stop-illegal-immigration. This ‘business news’ service is quite … Continue reading “Speaking of the devil”
Speaking of the Devil
This site has speculated that the mark of the Beast will be manifested by the creation of a nation-wide bio identification system. The e-Verify system seemed like the most likely candidate. However, a new bill has been passed in the US Congress, which will facilitate the creation of a nation-wide ID system that will have … Continue reading “Speaking of the Devil”