Will Germany leave the EU before Greece?

There was an interesting editorial piece in the Financial Times this past week, where one of the FT writers, Martin Wolf, was discussing how a German departure from the Euro bloc would benefit the people of Germany.  It was surprising to find an article with such a tone. It is currently feared by many that … Continue reading “Will Germany leave the EU before Greece?”

Is this how it begins?

On October 14th, ABC News came out with an article about Los Angeles (http://abcnews.go.com/US/t/story/los-angeles-mayor-id-card-immigrants-17472428).  The current mayor, Villaraigosa, is proposing to issue city I.D. cards that will also have ATM functionality.  Those who oppose the move point to the fact that these I. D. cards will be available to illegal aliens, making it easier for … Continue reading “Is this how it begins?”

Fiscal Cliff — expanded

I have attempted to expand certain thoughts relating to the importance of the fiscal cliff facing America.  There are many thoughts that interconnect on this topic, so I will probably end up revisiting this again to explore its different aspects. Fiscal Cliff – A chance for a new direction The ‘fiscal cliff’ currently facing America … Continue reading “Fiscal Cliff — expanded”

Sanctuary from the Beast

I read on article on the BBC news site that since the election, the White House has received 20 petitions from groups seeking the succession of their states from the Union. The petition from Texas was the largest, with over 25,000 signatures. Though the possibility seems remote, Texas leaving the Union and forming a separate … Continue reading “Sanctuary from the Beast”

New Danger on the Horizon

We have been highlighting the growing danger that America will fall under the dominion of the Beast at the time of his ascension.  This danger is seen in a recent op-ed piece in a recent edition of the Economist.  The article is calling for the signing of a free trade agreement between America and the … Continue reading “New Danger on the Horizon”

When you see ‘fiscal cliff’ in the media, think ‘debt mountain’

I have already discussed various aspects of the fiscal cliff from the view point of biblical prophecy.  I am not very good at computers (as you may have noticed by looking at the construction of this site), so I am unable to make nice graphs and data tables.  Otherwise I would make a graph of the … Continue reading “When you see ‘fiscal cliff’ in the media, think ‘debt mountain’”

Trumpets are sounding?

Last week, a couple of stories that we have been following had updates. In the first article, we see a direct link between the acidification of the oceans water (i.e. decreasing ph levels) and a reduction of an ocean food source.  Previously we discussed a report from a biologist who found that off the coast … Continue reading “Trumpets are sounding?”

A Path Away From the Beast

Even with the re-election of Obama, America can still make walk a path that will lead away from the Beast.  There are two key decisions that await America. First, the massive increase in government debt under Obama must stop.  Bernanke and the Federal Reserve are attempting to create another leverage-driven financial bubble, with the real … Continue reading “A Path Away From the Beast”

The Underclass of America

A reoccurring topic has been the growth of the underclass in America — people who are unemployed, underemployed, partly employed, or even though will regular jobs but who pay is going down directly from wage cuts or indirectly from inflation.  A recent edition of the New York Times had a short human interest piece on the growing … Continue reading “The Underclass of America”